Does She Walk On Water
Rubin the Cat Records
Does She Walk On Water is Jennie DeVoe's first cd release. Produced by DeVoe and Rich Morpurgo and recorded in Bloomington, IN, the album immediately made listeners sit up and take notice. The track, "Red Hot Sun" was picked up by Corona Beer for a radio ad, and the songs, "Barefoot to Babylon" and "Bellamy" were featured in episodes of the popular television shows Dawson's Creek (Columbia/Tri-Star) and Joan of Arcadia (Sony Pictures).
But far beyond the appeal to music supervisors and ad execs, the album was an instant hit with music fans and followers of the independent music scene. Here was an artist and lyricist who had something to say, and people started to listen. Online message boards and word-of-mouth propelled the album to being one of CDBaby's best sellers.
Today, DeVoe looks back on the album as being far removed from where she is now, artistically, but that doesn't stop fans from requesting some of their favorites, such as "Everything," and "Barefoot to Babylon" at shows today. And when the band breaks into the rollicking anthem, "Naked People," everyone is on their feet and dancing!